The Right Acting Classes Are Essential

Although actors can make acting look easy, it takes training to deliver exceptional performances. Even those actors who claim that they are naturals, have received extensive on the job training. When you speak with them about their skills, these actors will admit they used to be on a different level and the training they received…

Actors Setting Goals – Producing Peak Performance

Actors new to the industry seldom seek advice about how to be more effective as performers. Their goals are misplaced and detached from what is actually relevant to their vocation, that of being competent and professional performers. Instead, they become obsessed with the business side of the profession, how to get an agent, getting into…

Kids Act LA – How to Get Your Kid into TV or Movie Acting

One of the most common questions asked by the parents is, “How do I get my kids into that?” Well there are many ways and maybe some are better than this, but below we are providing tips that are based on the experiences of our experts at Kids Act LA. So first off, let’s talk…